10 Ways New Developers Should Use LLMs to Become Better Coders

Vikram Samal
3 min readApr 13, 2024


The advent of large language models (LLMs) has opened new frontiers in the coding world, offering tools that can assist developers in writing better code, understanding complex systems, and ultimately becoming more proficient in their craft. For junior developers, the allure of simply copy-pasting code from the internet is strong, but reliance on this method can hinder the development of essential problem-solving skills and a deep understanding of coding principles. Instead, LLMs can be used as a powerful ally in the journey toward becoming a skilled coder. Here are ten ways junior developers can leverage LLMs to improve their coding skills without falling into the trap of copy-paste coding.

1. Understanding Code

Use LLMs to explain complex code snippets or documentation in simpler terms. This can help in grasping the underlying concepts and logic more effectively, improving comprehension and the ability to modify or integrate similar patterns in your work.

2. Debugging Assistance

LLMs can serve as an excellent resource for debugging, offering suggestions on what might be causing an error based on the symptoms or the error messages. This practice encourages a deeper understanding of common mistakes and how to avoid them.

3. Code Refactoring

Refactoring code is essential for maintaining readability and efficiency. LLMs can suggest ways to refactor code, making it cleaner and more efficient, while also explaining why certain changes are beneficial, reinforcing best practices.

4. Learning Best Practices

Interact with LLMs to learn about best practices in coding, such as naming conventions, documentation standards, and design patterns. This can elevate the quality of your code and ensure it aligns with industry standards.

5. Exploring New Technologies

LLMs can be a gateway to learning new programming languages or technologies. By providing examples and tutorials, they can help you step out of your comfort zone and expand your technical repertoire.

6. Personalized Learning

Ask LLMs questions specific to your current understanding and progress. This personalized assistance can fill knowledge gaps more effectively than generic online resources might.

7. Enhancing Problem-solving Skills

Present a problem to an LLM and review the proposed solutions. Then, critically assess the viability of these solutions for your specific case, which enhances your problem-solving skills and creativity.

8. Generating Code Snippets

While directly copying and pasting code is not advised, using LLMs to generate code snippets based on your specifications can help you understand how to implement specific functionalities and encourage learning through modification and experimentation.

9. Peer Review Simulations

Use LLMs to perform a preliminary review of your code. The feedback can simulate a peer review process, highlighting areas for improvement before your code is reviewed by human peers.

10. Keeping Up with Trends

Stay informed about the latest trends and advancements in programming through conversations with LLMs. This can inspire you to try new approaches and technologies in your projects.


For junior developers, the goal should be to use LLMs not as a crutch, but as a tutor. By leveraging the capabilities of LLMs in these ways, developers can avoid the pitfalls of copy-paste coding and instead, foster a deeper understanding of programming concepts, improve problem-solving skills, and accelerate their growth into competent and innovative coders. Remember, the best way to become proficient in coding is by understanding the why and the how behind the code, not just the final solution.



Vikram Samal

A Father and a seasoned Solution Architect with a profound passion for artificial intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential across industries.